Selasa, 27 Juni 2017

Present Continuous Tense Formulas, Functions and Example Sentences

Name : Rosa Rahmani Humanita
Class : 3EB20
NPM : 29214808

A. Understanding the Present Continuous Tense

Or the present continuous tense is often called the present progressive tense is the tense that describes the work that is happening today. Is said to be present because of current and said continuous because the work being done (in progress or in progress). Tense is one of the most commonly used tenses either in conversation or in writing or text.

B. Formula Present Continuous Tense

1. Positive: Subject + to be (am, is, are) + Verb - ing + object
Example: (+) She is writing a letter now.

2. Negative: Subject + to be + not + verb - ing + object
Example: (-) She is not writing a letter now.

3. Question: To be + subject + verb - ing + object
Example: (?) Is she writing a letter now? The answer to the sentence (?) This form is Yes, ... or No .... Answer: Yes, she is. (Yes) No, she is not. (No)

C. Function of Present Continuous Tense

- To indicate an action that is being done at this time / now.
Example: I am sorry, I can not go now Because I am still washing my car.
Come join with us John, we are having a party now.
- To show a work that will be done in the near future (plan).
Example: I am going to Bali island tomorrow with my family.
Spiderman the Movie is coming soon next month.
- To indicate an action that occurs repeatedly.
Example: I can not sleep since the dog is barking all the time.
You are watching that movie many times. Do not you feel bored?

D. Description.

Tense can only be used for verbs that allow it to do by way of "being" (dynamic verb). While that can not be done in continuous / medium (stative verb), it must be formed in the simple present tense. For example, the word "know" can not be formed in the present continuous tense, because he classified stative verb. Example: She is knowing who you are. Time information used for this tense include: now, right now, still, etc.

E. Example Sentences Present Continuous Tense.

* Brandon is sleeping now, so please keep    silent.
*Do not make some noise if you are still eating.
*My father is a pilot, he is flying around the world now.
*It is raining now. You had better stay at home.
*The sun is shining bright today, just like your face.

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